Meet new USDZ format and benefits from WebAR technology!

05.26.2021 Actumlab

USDZ is a breakeven for WebAR

You don’t need dedicated mobile app anymore in order to present your products with the Augmented Reality!

Together with the premiere of iOS 12, it is possible to display 3D models in both AR or 3D mode directly via web browser!

Thanks to WebAR technology, Augmented Reality becomes much easier and cheaper in usage. Develop your www page by enriching it with possibility of 3D product model preview in Augmented Reality!


What is USDZ format and WebAR technology?

USDZ is a new file format and standard introduced by Apple. It allows to display 3D models using Augmented Reality technology directly in web browser. There is no need to install any mobile app, thanks to WebAR technology!

Together with the premiere of  iOS 12, planned for September 2018, it would be possible to leverage ARKit 2.0 platform to display 3D models in Augmented Reality experience, without any additional mobile application required.

Implementation for the website or e-commerce store is very easy, it is just about adding special .USDZ file to the website. USDZ is a new file extension, which consists optimized and adjusted 3D model together with the textures, lighting and shadows.

WebAR is already used by Shopify e-commerce platform – if you already have beta access to the iOS 12 system, you can try USDZ possibilites right now!